Monday, October 30, 2006

Cheap, easy scenery lights

So I was at the local grocery store and I decided to look around at the toys. There was a small display of Lemax scenery, you know, the kind of gaudy, sappy Christmas scenery. Well some little lights grabbed my attention. There were several square lights with blue lenses. These looked like the lights I'd been looking for.

The price was right, only $5.99 for a pair of lights and $14.99 for the transformer (wall wart) to power up to 3 sets of lights. The transformer seemed a bit steap but it looked light it was worth it since I could just plug the lights in rather than use AA batteries to power them.

So they're blue....hmmmm time to be creative...where would blue lights be?

I've got it, outside a swanky club!

So I made a small bracket to hang the one light on, the other light is just glued to the side of the building, much like a large security light would be.

The lights add a nice depth to the corner of my track. And I've picked up 2 sets of white lights to add at a later date. I got the other 2 lights at Michael's crafts store. There were tons of the Lemax stuff, but none had a very realistic look. The lights are bit large, but since there isn't anything this cheap, that's even close to a plug and play set-up, these lights are a great choice if you need some lights.

These little suckers are really bright and they do tend to be very much "spot" lights, if you want more diffused light you'd have to add something on the front to soften the lights.

(must be a celeb going into the club)

Publisher, Slot Car News


  1. Yeah, they do have some nice trees but many have snow on them or just don't have that "slot car track" look to them.

  2. Pull the blue tape off of the lenses that protects them in shipping to use as normal lights!


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