Sunday, March 23, 2008

Finally...Nationwide Series slot car commercial


  1. very cool, since I don't watch ESPN that much, I've heard about it but never seen it. Odd that they don't mention anything about slots.

  2. Where DID they get all those great figures? @Dave - why would they mention slots?

  3. I don't know just thought since it involved slot cars they'd mention slots or a slot company. But yeah I guess you're right, sorry. Hey it that you Marcus, this is Dave Marcus from Robert's :)

  4. Why would they mention slots in a commercial about racing?

    Most of the cars that were used with Scalex and SCX cars. The figures were rented from Bob Pomann, who I've done a story about before.

    Thanks for stopping by guys.

  5. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I love it!
    What I cant tell from all the articles and now this footage is if the track was a full loop, or if they just did the long arc of the front straight.
    Excellent job.


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