Slot It will be making a universal SCX Digital chassis based on the HRS2 design (extra points for anyone that knows what "HRS" means BTW). The chip is the V2 chip sourced from SCX. The chassis design is a proven winner on the track. The motor is the orange endbell motor. The chassis will be available as an RTR and kit form chassis.
I don't know pricing yet, and I don't know availability yet. This will allow nearly any body from any 1/32 slot car company to be used on the SCX Digital system.
Hopefully we will be getting these soon to race here in the US. Maurizio has this prototype but I don't think has production samples yet.
This has been a project that Slot It have been working on for some time now. SCX have been working together with Slot It on this project.
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HRS is Hot Rodicus SuperSonicus, form the old road runner cartoon. acme sells it to the coyote.